Treatment of Maxillary Deficiency with Reverse Chin Cup: A Case Report
Introduction: This case report aims to illustrate the dentoalveolar changes of a 13-year-old class III patient with maxillary deficiency treated with a Reverse Chin Cup of the popular appliances for treating class III patients with deficient maxilla is facemask. In class III growing patients, treatment options include extraoral and intraoral devices. chin and forehead are used for extraoral anchorage supports.
Case Presentation: The patient is a 13-year-old girl with a mild maxillary deficiency. She had an Angle Class III molar relationship. She refused to use a face mask due to its highly bulky size. The Reverse Chin Cup is attached to a removable appliance in the upper jaw, with Adams clasps on the first molars, the first premolars, and C-clasps on the upper central and lateral incisors for additional anchorage.
Results: After the sixth month of treatment with a chin cup, SNA increased by 2°, and a positive overjet was achieved.
Conclusion: This case demonstrates that the reverse chin cup appliance is a suitable alternative to facemasks in class III and maxillary deficient cases.
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