
3D printing has emerged as a promising technology in the field of dentistry which has become a topic of great interest. 3D printing along with CAD-CAM technology is being able to construct a three- dimensional object by adding material layer by layer. Recently, 3d printing technology have played a major role in pediatric dentistry from printing of individualized imprint trays, orthodontic models, maxillo-facial growth evaluation, fabrication of a variety of prosthetics, crowns, during fracture, surgical cases, navigating complex root canal treatments in pediatric patients. 3D-printed models could be used for educational purposes in training students and trainees. The treatment outcomes could be visualized with 3D printing technology which has made it a promising clinical tool. 3D printing technology has the capacity to revolutionize dentistry and in the near future, it is going to change the face of pediatric dentistry.


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