Surgical Root Coverage of Miller’s Class III Using Free Gingival Autograft (A Case Report)
Background: Gingival recession is a condition where the root surface of the tooth is exposed due to migration of the gingival margin and junctional epithelium in an apical direction. The problem that patients often complain about due to gingival recession is an aesthetic problem, especially if the recession occurs in the upper anterior teeth. In addition, gingival recession can also cause dentine hypersensitivity due to the exposure of the root surface that was previously covered by the gingiva. One of the treatment options for patients with gingival recession is free gingival autograft surgery.
Purpose: The goal of this article is to explain how to manage gingival recession therapy with free gingival autograft surgery in patients with Miller Class III recession.
Case: A 29-year-old female patient came to RSGM Airlangga University with complaints of hypersensitivity in the front teeth at the lower jaw. The last scaling took place about 6 months ago. The patient does not have a history of systemic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, and the patient does not have allergies to either drugs or food.
Case Management: Based on the examination that has been carried out, the treatment option for Miller's class III gingival recession in the tooth region 41 is agreed to be a free gingival autograft.
Conclusion: One of the root coverage treatment options is free gingival autograft, where this procedure can also increase the width of the attached gingiva.
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